Hey, Yupette,
After months of searching the County Board finally hired another County Auditor, Dr. Chris Horton, from the Fairfax County Public School System. Concomitantly, the County Board is energizing a citizen fraud, waste, and abuse hotline.
But does it matter? Dr. Horton will be constrained as to what he can investigate and audit by the County Board's Democratic Majority. Complaints made to the citizen fraud, waste, and abuse hotline will be passed on to a committee composed of Old Guard Democrats for 'evaluation'.
Will the massive long-time fraud on taxpayers - hundreds of students attending Arlington public schools when neither parent lives in the County - be investigated? Will the County Board's pet car tax decal program - a complete waste of tax dollars - finally be ended? It's possible, but not likely.
After all, the way Libby Garvey and the rest of the Democrats on County Board get elected, and re-elected, is by buying votes with tax dollars, no matter how illegal or wasteful the program.
Thanks for your blog.
Charles, 22206
Do a search on "Arlington County employees" and you will see the results of a 2013 FOIA request to the County Manager. Bloated bureaucracy? Duh.
Do your web search on "Arlington County employees salaries".
County Auditor should audit Arlington Economic Development. They're into everything from gondolas to new live theaters to going on around-the-world safaris to poach technology start-ups to fill new office buildings when the commercial office vacancy rate is increasing.
Audit all the vehicles and equipment the County owns. How much sits in a parking lot in the Trades Center for weeks, months, years without moving or being moved?
Audit the County Treasurer's and Commissioner of the Revenue's offices for dozens of no-show jobs.
Auditor should determine why neighborhood playground renovations typically cost $550,000 for minimal landscaping and off-the-shelf playground equipment.
All major and many minor site plans require a financial impact analysis -- no more corporate welfare give-away deals.
Audit the corporate welfare deals made between the County and County Democrats' corporate cronies. Start with bikeshare.
County's system (or lack of a system) for awarding contracts has to be audited.
Audit County Purchasing to detrmine why everything the County buys is so expensive.
The system of awarding so-called bonus density to developers has to be audited. It's a huge give-away supposedly to build affordable housing but the housing isn't affordable, except to millennials a couple years out of college.
Audit the Affordable Housing Investment Fund (AHIF). Why does it cost $125,000 each to renovate efficiency and one-bedroom apartments in a building owned by a non-profit?
I want a cost/benefit analysis regarding what the County is spending on making everyone ride bicycles, whether we want to or not.
Before any more site plans are approved we need mandatory financial impact analyses for site plans.
If the County Board's pet interests are off-limits, why bother?
If Parks and Rec spends $800,000 expanding outdoor activity facilities a hundred yards from Alexandria, who benefits from that?
Audit the use of county-owned passenger vehicles. Why are County Staff riding bicycles?
County Staff ride bicycles? Excellent suggestion. It gets worse - County employees are preaching the 'car free diet' while driving to 2100 Clarendon Blvd. from their affordable homes in PW County, one per SUV.
Anything that may be audited will be non-controversial and not be a potential embarrassment to Arlington Democrats who have controlled the County for 35 years.
Yes. Audit the usage of Arlington Parks and Rec facilities by non-residents. Start with Fairlington, Barcroft, and Wakefield. Bonus points for an estimate of the number of non-residents who will use the Long Bridge Aquatic Center.
Audit the County's infatuation with bicycles and how much that's costing taxpayers. Do you really expect thousands of people to ride bicycles to work when it's 35 degrees and the wind is blowing 35 miles an hour?
Audit the "supicious person" calls Arlington Police respond to. Most of these are really "malicious person" calls using tne police to settle grudges, harrass minorities, and persecute people who don't go along with the program as defined by the Democratic Party.
How much does it cost to chaperone millennials in Clarendon every weekend?
Parks and Rec needs a comprehensive audit.
County Sheriff's Department needs a comprehensive audit. Too many of the jail population becoming seriously ill or dying of medical neglect.
Audit the ridiculous bicycle transit bureaucracy which is costing taxpayers tens of millions for something that's usable 8 months a year by anyone other than die-hard bicycle fanatics,.
Audit DES Zoning to determine what, if anything, they actually do.
Audit Arlington's Financial Management bureaucracy.
What a complete waste of time and tax dollars. Typical issue the County Auditor will be allowed to audit is whether the County should purchase alternative fuel vehicles (ethanol). Meanwhile the car tax decal program which is a total waste of taxes will be allowed to continue.
Audit the Arlington County Police Department. Spends a huge amount of time investigating false and malicious complaints.
Audit CPHD which spends countless hours facilitating Smart Growth corporate welfare redevelopment deals for the County Board's Democratic crony developers.
Audit Arlington's unfair and completely irrational residential real estate assessment system.
Audit DES enforcement to determine what, if anything, they actually do.
Arlington's Democratic Party and Arlington's Democratic Pols can only control everything and everyone - including the local media - through massive patronage.
Yes. Audit the Arlington Polce Department. What else do they do but ignore the antics of Millennials while persecuting minorities?
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