Monday, May 4, 2020

ACPD - Mostly Useless?

Hey, Yupette,

Thanks for this blog.

Wonder what the Arlington County Police Department has been up to lately?

Just the usual. Setting up speed traps on lightly traveled arterials, defending malls, convenience stores, fast food restaurants, from shoplifters and disorderly persons. Chasing people out of parks and onto crowded sidewalks and trails. Responding to actions by persons of no fixed address with behavioral health issues. Ignoring any and all reckless behavior by persons riding bicycles, scooters, and skateboards, including reckless endangerment of children.

You would think with schools closed, courts closed, much less motor vehicle traffic, we would finally see community policing, meaning ACPD actually patrolling our neighborhoods. No way. Except for the aforementioned speed traps ACPD is even less visible than 6 months ago.

Check out the weekly crime reports in the Arlington media and you'll notice that ACPD solves few opportunistic crimes, leading me to stay away from places where opportunistic crimes occur. You should also.

T.L., 22201