Saturday, October 27, 2018

McDuplexes - Next Big Millennial Mega Millions Jackpot

Hey Yupette,

Speaking of the Mega Millions lottery, a big Millennial Mega Millions jackpot will go to the residential construction firms that renovate and expand small homes and duplexes. Many duplexes were constructed on so-called 'nonconforming lots' decades ago so their owners spend months and years obtaining building permits for interior renovation and exterior additions from Arlington's Zoning Office.

So County Government and the County Board decided to make renovations of and additions to small homes and duplexes much easier by eliminating the need for extensive review by Zoning.

Unfortunately, the assessed value of most small single family homes and duplexes in Arlington has doubled or tripled over the past 20 years, so this housing is barely affordable to middle class families. What extensive interior renovations and/or exterior additions would accomplish would be to increase assessed value of renovated homes while supplying current homeowners with more living space. The County would realize more tax revenue.

But the major league beneficiaries will be residential renovation and construction companies, which have already made thousands of single family homes unaffordable by adding rooms and significantly increasing the structure's footprint.

It's obvious that the County's 'affordable housing' charades are becoming more numerous and insipid. County Government has no desire to retain a middle class in the County.

T.G., 22203