Friday, February 20, 2015

School Board Lobbies County Board for 2-Cent Tax Rate Hike

 Hey, Yupette,

Coach Patrick Murphy and the Arlington School Board met last night. FY 16 APS budget will be $561.1 million (up from $239.4 million in FY 15)  to educate an estimated 25,620 students next year ($21,900 per student).

The School Board will be at least $13 million short because of the usual add-ons like $8.1 million for step increases and hiring 196 more teachers (Masters Degree and 10 years experience required) and staff . Which will bring the number of full-time APS employes to 4,363, or about 1 full-time APS employee for every 6 students.

What to do? Lobby the County Board for a 2-cent increase in the real estate tax rate, of course! Will be played out at Saturday's County Board meeting provided the meeting isn't cancelled due to snow.

We can expect more of the same until at least FY 20. If you create a school system that's expensive to the point of being extravagant people will want to enroll their kids.

Donna - 22201