Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Greedy Local Media Boost Bicycle Bozos

Hey, Yupette,

Thanks for the feature about the Bikesters' First Mom, Libby Garvey.

But the Bikesters wouldn't be able to do their free-range thing if it weren't for the increasingly irresponsible, increasingly greedy, Local Media.

Local Media Publishers are afraid to offend any advertiser, potential advertiser, or special interest. So you're never going to see any of them editorialize about the complete lack of bicycle safety in Arlington. Let alone order an investigative report about the number of bikesters who bicycle DWI, have PTSD issues, or are out-and-out sociopaths.

As with guns, alcohol, and tobacco advertising decades ago, Publishers profit from boosting bicycles. They don't worry about consequences may be suffered as the result of the Bikesters' behavior because Publishers don't live anywhere near where the bad behavior occurs (e.g., B-R Corridor).

As with guns, alcohol, tobacco, and pub crawls, the cumulative amount of bad behavior by the bikesters will eventually reach the level of Editoral hand-wringing, very likely precipitated by some event like a Millennial's infant in a stroller hit by another Millennial DWI on a bicycle, who lost his driver's license as the result of multiple DWI convictions.

In the meantime, stay tuned for more of the same, in ArlNow and elsewhere.

J.L., 22201