Sunday, January 27, 2019

Amazon Deal Imposes Too Many Costs for Too Few Benefits

Hey, Yupette,

Whatever the Commonwealth's and County's propaganda about the 'benefits' of Amazon, I am skeptical that few benefits will accrue to Arlington residents. The County is already congested, unemployment is very low, housing is less affordable every year, there's more multi-modal traffic every year, public infrastructure already lags population growth, development and 'planning' are accomplished according to the principles of 'fire-aim-ready'.

The beneficiaries of Amazon's move here will be Amazon and a few other large corporations, like JBG. Arlington residents' taxes will increase ever year for the next several years to pay for all Amazon and Amazon employees will demand. The County is already hard pressed to find room to build infrastructure to accommodate the needs and wants of an increasing upscale resident population.

But the biggest cost to be imposed by Amazon will be the loss of Arlington's suburban quality of life, which tens of thousands of residents moved to Arlington to enjoy and are paying extravagantly to maintain. Again, too much suburban infrastructure will be repurposed for Amazon and County Government's 'growth for the sake of growth' agenda for the County to be anything but an expensive urbanized mess within a decade.

Ted 22205