Saturday, May 11, 2019

'Progressive' County Board is Increasingly Environmentally Irresponsible


Thanks for this blog.

I gotta laugh at the so-called "Progressive" Arlington County Board aka Arlington County Board of Supervisors. They were mediocre before and are much worse since the Board became all-Democrat in January.

Latest environmentally irresponsible antic is rescinding glass bottle recycling. They apparently didn't bother checking out options for reuse, like in building materials and for street paving. Then there's their "More Car Diet". Then there's the continuing loss of the County's mature tree canopy. Then there's the creation of more impervious surfaces everywhere, ranging from paving neighborhood parks to widening trails to benefit their pet bicycle cult. Several of their favorite / pet Socialist Democrat VIPs want to take the golf courses from the country clubs and pave them over.

All a consequence of their so-called progressive planning ideology, 'New Urbanism', which has driven the County's development and redevelopment for more than 35 years.

I no longer believe anything anyone in County Government says. I am skipping the Democratic Primary this year and voting for Independent Audrey Clement and no one else in November.

Karen, 22201