Hey Yupette,
So what has the County Board been all excited about the past few County Board meetings? Imposing massive urbanization on what remains of a suburban county and spending massive amounts for vanity public infrastructure projects. Same Libby Garvey who was dead against a streetcar system on Columbia Pike and million dollar transit shelters on the Pike just voted for a $4 million Taj Mahal pedestrian bridge across Wilson Boulevard while hundreds of acres of brick sidewalks on Wilson Boulevard, Fairfax Drive, and elsewhere in the B-R Corridor badly need replacing. Then there's the deteriorated street lighting and street paving all across the County.
Looks like we're going to be short a few hundred classrooms in ten years but the County Board's focus is going to be on a $40 million cross-Potomac gondola, a $60 million aquatic center, a $250 million convention center, and spending $100 million repurposing neighborhood parks, and even residential streets, into multi-purpose activity centers while the County is being completely urbanized. Oh, insofar as their "Car Free Diet" is concerned it's another Smart Growth charade, the County is on course to be not only saturated with vehicles of all types, but grilocked at rush hours. We can also ride bicycles everywhere 24/7/365, something they're going to spend another $50 million on because Jay Fisette and Libby Garvey like bicycles.
What else can we expect from one-party government for the past 35 years that's been in the pockets of New Urbanist developers for the past 25 years? Time for a change. Keep our suburban county suburban. Elect Audrey Clement to the County Board.
PR, MK, CJ, and other
Democrats for Intelligent Growth
I love the artist's conception of the Taj Mahal Bridge, depicting pedestrians stumbling over brick pavement trying to cross Wilson Blvd.
You forgot to include the Smart Growth repurposing of land and buildings owned by non-profits, next np will be the Central United Methodist Church deal.
Residential streets repurposing into activity areas, increase in Rosslyn density, and "Times Square" sign ordinance revisions are going to the Planning Commission tomorrow.
In a week the morning temp will be in the low 50s and daytime temp will be in the 60s. That's as good as the weather will get for 6 months, until mid-April 2017. Why are millions being spent trying to make us ride bicycles in the Winter?
Because Libby Garvey and Jay Fisette trade extravagant bicycle infrastructure for votes from the bicyclists, that's why.
Never mind bus rapid transit. Why can't there be double deck buses on the Pike?
Because the Democratic Old Guard that pulls their strings doesn't like double deck buses?
ClicK to Enlarge -- Artist forgot to include pedestrians dodging bicycles ridden at high speed on the sidewalks.
Artist forgot to include millennial idiots on racing bikes running the traffic light
Was Libby against the Pike streetcar and Pike bus shelters because she thought they were fiscally irrresponsible, or because Chris Zimmerman thought they were fiscally responsible?
So by October 15th nighttime temps will be in the low 50s and daytime temps will be in the 60s. Not to improve until April 15th. County is spending how much to persuade rational adults to ride bicycles 24/7 in late Autumn, Winter, and early Spring?
Why don't they all just up and move to Portland?
Another big PTL (Pass The Loot) deal in the works for Central United Methodist Church mixed use redevelopment.
Agree. Why are we giving millions in tax dollars to biketard fanatics for a bicycle transit system that's used by a couple thousand Arlington residents between October 15th and April 15th?
$mart Growth is a cult and their Guru is Victor Ho$kins. That's why.
Hold your noses and vote for Lyin' Libby and Wacky Hillary -- See what happens.
So, yesterday someone set a fire at a Metro station and there was an electrical fire near the Pentagon City Metro station. We're all supposed to buy or rent bicycles as back-up transportation for Metrorail? Weather right now is as good as the weather's going to get for 6 months.
How many other Protestant denominations will get PTL redevelopment packages?
You know that Smart Growth is truly sick when the New Urbanosts want to dig up the remains of Arlington's historic leaders to build more mixed-use infill on their graves.
Dump Libby Garvey. When angry and unhappy peiople from 5 neighborhoods (Barcroft, Bluemont, Rosslyn, Westover, Williamsburg) attend the same County Board meeting to protest County Government's Smart Growth excesses it's obvious that time's overdue to retire Libby.
Second the Motion
You forgot to show ACPD citing the driver of a SUV tht was broadsided by a millennial biketard who ran the stoplight at Quincy and Wilson for "driving while inattentive to bicyclists".
Arlington is a de facto PlutoCracy that's going to be lead for at least the next 4 years by PlutoCrats like Hillary, Mark, Tim, and Don.
I was driving around the County doing various errands yesterday. It was rining but not hard and it was warm. I saw three people on bicycles, all wearing dark clothing and all bicycling recklessly. Three.
I agree that millions are being wasted by the County on bicycles.
Want to know what happened in the 'vibrant' B-R corridor last evening? Some Randolph Towers residents got mad at the noise from Carpool and started throwing varions objects, including balcony furniture, off Randolph Towers onto Carpool. Police were on the scene for two hours.
How many more millions will be spent on making everyone ride bicycles, whether we want to or not?
Every older neighborhood another goldmine for Smart Growth developers...that's their 'vision' for Arlington.
Audrey Clement for County Board.
They are talking at least $200 million for a convention center because Victor Hoskins tells them Arlington has to have one. Victor says it...they believe it....that settles it.
B-R Corridor is firearms mayhem waiting to happen. Too many drugs and too much alcohol concentrated in one corridor. Too many people with assault arrests / convictions carrying concealed firearms illegally.
Victor Ho$kins is badly needed as Baltimore's first Guru of Gentrification. Plus, Baltimore already has a Convention Center with more security guards than people who attend events.
Jay Fi$ette, Victor Ho$kins, $cott McCaffrey, $cott Brodbeck, $mart Growth, New Urbani$m. What do they all have in common?
Police resources diverted from the rest of the County to keep the peace in vibrant Clarendon? No $#!+, Sherlock. Try about 30 Arlington, VA State Police, DEA, and ABC agents weekends and holidays, aka Clarendon Task Force.
Soon to be 40 LE and called the Ballston-Clarendon Task Force.
You forgot to mention the $43 million charade corporate welfare steal the County Board gave Ballston Common's long-time slumlord, Forest City.
You forgot to count the Fire Department's EMS units that respond to the fights and millennials passed out drunk.
Time to leave Arlington. Smart Growth ideology has completely replaced common sense.
Then there is their infatuation with allowing more 'migrants' into the U.S. when they already give 1 million migrants permanent residency every year. On top of an existing 100 million person underclass that nobody seems to be able to help.
For a start --retire Libby Garvey this year and tell Jay Fisette to retire next year. Elect people who aren't complete Smart Growth addicts.
How many more Protestant congregations will receive a PTL Pass The Loot redevelopment buy-out?
Clement is taking heat at neighborhood meetings for Libby Garvey's massive urbanization that's causing massive traffic problems.
Every congregation with older buildings in the B-R corridot is looking for a PTL redevelopment deal.
I am disgusted with the Media. They hugely profit from real estate ads from Smart Growth gentrification redevelopment inside the beltway and massive suburban sprawl development 40 miles outside the beltway.
Libby Garvey is a jive-talking politrickster, read her campaign handout.
What the New Urbanists are planning: Arlington will be Manhattan without Central Park.
County Board voted yesterday to close streets and turn them into "activity areas" and turn single family homes into hotels.
What the New Urbanists are planning: Arlington will be Washington without the National Mall.
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