Hi Yupette,
FYI, Marymount's Chief Lobbyist Barbara Favola (who reportedly lives in Lyon Village) and non-County resident County Manager Barbara Donnellan are busy twisting arms of EFC and Williamsburg "Community Leaders" to get them to agree to a deal whereby they allow our residential neighborhood to be destroyed by traffic and noise from the proposed Marymount-O'Connell Sports Complex. This is similar to what they did to the neighborhoods around Crystal City last year to get the "Community Leaders" to sign on to the REITs' redevelopment of Crystal City. The activity is being facilitated by the Walsh,Colucci law firm, whose managing partners, Martin and Nan Walsh, live in McLean, and were responsible for the ongoing Federal Realty-Shirlington traffic and parking fiasco. It appears that this item will be deferred until March (it's up for discussion at Saturday's County Board meeting).
It's obvious to me that the Arlington County Board could care less about the right of EFC and Williamsburg residents to have peace an quiet in their homes and neighborhoods, and is only interested in another deal for another special interest group. Of course, as usual, they will not suffer the consequences of their actions. Barbara Favola spent millions of dollars of scarce tax dollars moving DHS headquarters out of her neighborhood so she would not have poor people in her neighborhood.
Mike - East Falls Church
Time for a Recall Petition to remove Barbara Favola from office. Her conduct on behalf of her employer, Marymount University, is outrageous. She was and is responsible for destroying the quality of life in several neighborhoods around Marymount, including mine. If it were not for her using her political office to benefit her employer Marymount would have constructed a new campus where the traffic and parking would have bothered no one.
I would be happy to obtain 100 valid signatures on a recall petition to remove Barbara Favola from office.
Shirlington is a GD traffic and parking disaster. The people who are responsible for Shirlington, among them Planning Commissioner Nancy Hunt and County Staffer Lisa Maher (another county staffer who doesn't live in Arlington), have been tasked with "facilitating" EFC redevelopment. Anyone know if Walsh, Colluci (which helped Federal Realty inflict Shirlington on the adjacent neighborhoods) will represent the REIT that is chosen to redevelop EFC?
The person whose conduct is truly outrageous in county government is Barbara Donnellan. All she cares about is helping the County Board make more big deals with big business and big special interests.
Unknown whether Barbara lives in Lyon Village with her sometime husband.
People, you were warned a year ago by former County Manager Mike Brown that East Falls Church is going to be another Shirlington.
Best two things we can do for Arlington's future this year is to replace Hynes and Tejada with two people who will represent everyone's interests, not their own narrow interests.
Barbara Favola DESPISES anyone who lives below the median household income - $90,000 per year.
Did you know she prevented affordable housing from being constructed in Shirlington? That's right, there are only 15 affordable units in all of redeveloped Shirlington. Wonder where all those restaurant workers live? Try PW County. Then they sued VDOT over HOT lanes on I-395. Duh.
She and Fisette also prevented any affordable housing at all from being constructed in redeveloped Potomac Yards.
Her greatest accomplishment (to date) was not the removal of DHS HQ from Clarendon to Ft Meyer, it was preventing the new building at 1900 Wilson Blvd. from being used for 'live where you work' affordable housing.
Barbara Favola should also be removed from office for her gifts of tax dollars to religious organizations which the organizations use to promote their religious beliefs. Buried in the County Board's consent agenda.
Which the County Attorney (non-resident) signs off on and the County Board Clerk (non-resident) buries deep in the consent agenda.
We would be better off obtaining signatures to recall Favola (and maybe Zimmerman also) than go through another re-selection process whereby county government, the media, the chamber of commerce, and the non-profits brainwash the sheeple for 10 months before the elections while opposing candidates are ignored.
The Post, Sun-Gazette, News-Press, and the other local papers are literally paralyzed when it comes to reporting. They can't offend the chamber of commerce, advertisers, local government, or anyone else. So don't expect anything from them but continuing to support the status quo. Thanks for blogs like this one.
I no longer wonder why the scurrilous Jane McCafftonelli Barcroft mystery novels were written. To totally destroy the credibility of anyone who opposed the "Shirlingtonization" of Arlington's residential neighborhoods in state highway corridors.
Melinda Gates won't let the Post print negative articles about Microsoft. Warren Buffett won't let the Post print negative articles about the companies he controls.
Hynes was also involved in moving DHS. Move took nighttime traffic off her street since old DHS parking structure was used for after-hours public parking.
McCafftonelli is so paralyzed that he won't post or print anything critical of the status quo unless the situation becomes such a mess that it verges on disaster. Hence, he ignores the traffic disaster Federal Realty Investment Trust has created in Shirlington and its effects on his own neighborhood. Another "Community Leader" who will support the status quo until he retires when he reaches 55 and takes up residence in an exclusive gated community on the Yupscale Gulf Coast.
LBF, we always assumed that Mary "Party's Over Here" Hynes supported Favola's DHS HQ move to Ft. Meyer. Pretty hard to be a successful Partier in Clarendon when your household income is only $60,000 a year, let alone if your household income is $6,000 a year.
F Y I - John F. Kennedy Jr., arguably America's First Yuppie, would have turned 50 in November had he lived. How about a blog posting?
I will also obtain 100 valid signatures on a petition to have Barbara Favola recalled from office.
I will also obtain 100 valid signatures to have Barbara Favola removed from public office.
Here is your big chance to vent your disatisfaction with Favola. Voter for Jaime Areizaga-Soto on August 23rd's Democratic Primary. First step in sending her a message that enough is enough!
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