Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Clement Decisively Wins CivFed School Board Debate


A.Y. asked a couple of Arlington residents who regularly attend Arlington Civic Federation meetings to report what occurred during the School Board debate between incumbent Democrat Barbara Kanninen and her Independent challenger for School Board Audrey Clement.

No contest. According to A.Y.'s correspondents Audrey 'wiped the floor' with Barbara.

While Barbara concentrated on bringing more of the 'same old same old' extravagant spending to the School Board and APS, Audrey asked what Arlington residents are receiving for their tax dollars except Taj Mahal schools with declining standardized test scores among their students, especially minority students.

This year's CivFed candidate debates will (again) be broadcast and re-broadcast over Arlington Independent Media. Stay tuned to what the local media who transform boosting the status quo into ad revenue have to say about this debate. BTW, the Amazon Post reporter who supposedly covers Arlington politics appeared at the CivFed meeting, after about 8 months when she wasn't seen in Arlington at all.

Cindy, 22206


J.L. said...

Same old from the local media this year as every year. Democrats are gonna win again...back to what happened 60 years ago on this date.

Anonymous said...

Barbara Kanninen is an Environmental Economist who approves bulldozing trees on school campuses for more parking and bigger drop off areas. She and the School Board just approved reducing transit subsidies so APS employees can use alternatives to driving SOV to and from school.

Anonymous said...

You would think that with only 6 candidates on the ballot in Arlington the local media would provide equal unbiased coverage for all 6. No way that's going to happen.

Anonymous said...

Matt De Ferranti -- Works as a Senior Legal Advisor at the American Indian Education Association. Which does what? I can't discern from its Web site what this organization has actually accomplished since it was founded almost 50 years ago. The social and economic status of Native Americans is not good and not improving, except where there is casino gambling allowed on a few reservations.

Anonymous said...

Why do I keep seeing parents driving vehicles with MD and DC plates dropping kids off at my kids' elementary school? Why do so many parents who live a short distance from their kid's school drive their kid to school?

Anonymous said...

We are moving next year. Too many people living in too little space. Not a good environment for children. Future of Education for America's kids is either home schooling or private schools.

22201 said...

Audrey decisively won last night's League of Women Voters debate.

Anonymous said...

APS does not care if parents continue to keep their kids enrolled in Arlington schools after they move away so long as parents expend sufficient time and energy keeping up the appearance that they actually live in Arlington.

Anonymous said...

Audrey won the League of Women Voters debate this week. Barbara Kanninen wouldn't respond to questions about the School Board's Washington and Lee renaming antics.

Unhappy Parent said...

ACPD is in the schools and certainly has the ability via license plate cameras to determine the names and addresses of people dropping off and picking up students at Arlington's public schools.

Anonymous said...

Latest on the APS PTA grapevine is more than 1,000 students are attending APS with neither parent an Arlington resident.