Monday, November 6, 2017

Audrey Clement for County Board


When it came to decide which candidate to endorse this year for Arlington Board the decision wasn't even close. We again endorse Audrey Clement.

Given his existing and potential conflicts of interest as the owner of a regional residential construction company, Erik Gutshall shouldn't have been appointed to the Planning Commission, let alone been selected by the Arlington Democratic Party as its nominee. Erik flat-out lied when he stated that his company won't benefit from re-purposing homes and townhomes into accessory dwelling units. But that's what occurs when one political party runs a county for more than 35 years.

As for Charles McCullough II the Green Party nominee, like the Arlington Greens who nominated him he's big on promises and short on performance. Before running for County Board this year Charles was another Washington attorney who was part of the status quo. Unlike Audrey Clement, he hasn't attended Planning Commission and County Board meetings and spoken when big issues came up for vote. Completely like the Arlington Greens.

Audrey Clement has been completely engaged in County Government's decision-making process, insofar as the County's often-secret decision making will allow her to be involved. She shows an in-depth knowledge of fiscal and other data at meetings and takes sound positions on planning for the future, not more development-for-the-sake-of-development.

Unfortunately, local media are so focused on profits that they're addicted to supporting and promoting the status quo, the primary reason Audrey's not been endorsed. Time is overdue for truly independent media in the County as it's time for a majority of real Independents on the County Board.



Julie said...

I visited the ArlNow blog this afternoon and read Gutshall's and Clement's reasons we should vote for one or another of them. Gutshall's dumb platitudes vs. her common sense solutions. She has my vote.

Anonymous said...

Agree. Erik Gutshall is an Urban Village Idiot.

Anonymous said...

Who is only running for County Board so he can get rich inflicting "missing middle housing" on residential neighborhoods.

Anonymous said...

Erik Gutshall would be Chris Zimmerman on steroids. Zimmerman made thousands from lobbying for Smart Growth while on the County Board. Gutshall would make millions from building all types of ADUs, from B n Bs to McMansions converted to apartment buildings.

22201 said...

Planning Commission met last night and Chairman Gutshall and the other PC members ignored the concerns of the Kirkwood-Washington Blvd. neighborhood regarding keeping their neighborhood suburban and voted to "Clarendon" Kirkwood-Washington Blvd.

Your neighborhood next in 22201.

Anonymous said...

Last night Erik Gutshall and the Planning Commission set a new low for "planning" by County Government. Voted to re-purpose the historic Ball Cemetery into a community recreation area without consulting the Ball Family, which owns the cemetery.

Anonymous said...

Gutshall and the other PC members had zero interest for the concerns of the Kirkwood=Washington Blvd. neighborhood, only about how to best make a Clarendonization of the neighborhood work for the developer and non-profits who would profit.

Anonymous said...

Planning Commission - what a bunch of elitist jerks. I haven't voted yet but will vote for Clement now I've seen the above.

Julie said...

I will never again vote for the Limo Liberals and Country Club Republicans (Hillary and Trump and their followers) who are running and ruining Arlington County, State of Virginia, United States of America.