The Arlington County Board and Falls Church City Council held a joint meeting at 2100 Clarendon Blvd. last night. Discussion was about planning the mixed-use redevelopment of the Lee Highway corridor on the Arlington / Falls Church border.
No surprises, the planning staffs in both jurisdictions call for Lee Highway / North Washington Street to become another massive mixed-use redevelopment, like Clarendon.
Discussion was for the East Falls Church Metro Station to become a major multi-modal hub.
What was both interesting and appalling is there was no mention of public transit for the redeveloped area other than more parking garages for motor vehicles, better pedestrian safety, and bicycles, and more bicycles, in new bikeshare stations all over the area. Brought to Falls Church by the same Arlington streetcar proponents (Fisette, Tejada, Hynes, and Planning and Transportation Staff) who tried to inflict the Pike streetcar on us.
Arlington Transportation Director Dennis Leach admitted that Bikeshare returns 70 cents for every dollar spent because few ride bicycles in Winter. Again, no mention at all of ART bus expansion.
In fact, there was no mention of any improvements of any kind to non-arterial neighborhood infrastructure for current residents, only the "vision" of the area as another urban hipster enclave.
Arlington County Board + FC City Council = a dozen Urban Village Idiots sitting around a table.
No one mentioned pub crawls either.
Falls Church City Council should spend some time in the B-R corridor where the bikeshare bikesters are running stop signs, running stop lights, running pedestrians off the sidewalks. Tourists who haven't ridden bicyles in years are the worst.
Where is the dedicated commercial real estate tax revenue that would have gone for streetcars going to be spent now? For new bikeshare stations for urban hipsters?
Why don't you do a Web search on Capital Bikeshare. It's run by the ACDC VIPs' corporate cronies.
When Barbara Donnellan rides a bicycle in December, I'll ride a bicycle in December.
So if all commercial infrastructure that provides actual services to my neighborhood is removed for bars, restaurants, and upscale retail, where am I supposed to buy gas for my Prius; and assuming there is a gas station or two left how long will I have to wait in line?
You're not supposed to own a Prius. Only Lexus Liberals are supposed to own vehicles. You're supposed to be on a "car free diet" per the dictates of County Transportation Staff who live in Fairfax County and who drive to 2100 Clarendon Blvs., one per SUV.
There is no enforcement of bicycle and pedestrian traffic ordinances.
Bicycles have become a cult, like Harley motorcycles.
Capital Bikeshare loses money in winter so that's why Capital Bikeshare's cronies in County Government want you to ride a bicycle in the winter.
Correction -- Only Lexus Liberals and Country Club Republicans are allowed to own motor vehicles.
Bicycles are inherently unsafe and cannot be made safe.
The High Priests of the Bicycle Cult don't want to talk about how many DWI and DUI bicyclists are riding recklessly in urban areas.
Where are the new ART bus routes and buses? Now that dedicated transit funds are available for new transit infrastructure?
Call the County Board Office 703-228-3130 and ask when taxpayers are going to see information about advanced bus transit planning.
Yes, the county transportation staff who promote 'car free diet' all drive to work at 2100 Clarendon Blvd. from their homes outside the County.
John Vihstadt asked about making near-term improvements at the EFC Metro Station and intersections around the EFC Metro Station.
It's obvious that Jay Fisette, Mary Hynes, and Walter Tejada want Arlington to be of, by, and for Urban Hipsters.
FC City Council is completely uninformed about the consequences of the New Urbanism they want to inflict on FC. Pub Crawls? What are Pub Crawls?
Capital Bikeshare only recovers 70 cents of every dollar it spends on bicycle rentals, so we may see another bailout in the near future
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