Hi, Yupette,
Thanks for this blog.
I watched yesterday's County Board meeting. I live in 22202 and it was appalling to see how county government has allowed our historic residential neighborhoods to deteriorate. Just watch the NC plan presentation by the Arlington Ridge Civic Association.
It's obvious what Jay Fisette and the others on the County Board are up to - neighborhood by neighborhood redevelopment with the redeveloped neighborhoods becoming 'party zones' and every older neighhood allowed to deteriorate to the point where it becomes a "redevelopment opportunity" for the REITs who Jay Fisette and the others cater to.
Whatever anyone may say about Audrey Clement, it seems to me that she is concerned about the quality-of-life in residential neighborhoods like Arlington Ridge. I'm voting for her next month.
Mike - 22202
"This sure beats stopping minorities for driving while latino and driving while black"
The photo says it all. Whatever the County Board stated on Saturday it's obvious the Trolley Pub was approved by the County Board and County Manager.
Re Trolley Pub: Arlington Economic Development ran out of locations for new frozen yoghurt shops and had to go to Plan B.
It's appalling that public infrastructure in 22202 has been allowed to deteriorate while Fisette et. al., spend tens of millions on sports and recreation.
Taxpayers fund Economic Development to the tune of $10 million per year to come up with this.....
Cops watch while partiers drink themselves stupid to ensure one drunk yup doesn't hit another drunk yup with a beer bottle. Whatever the yups do after they leave the party zone isn't important to the police.
Fisette loves that meals tax...funds his pet sports, recreation, and entertainment programs.
Counting down to Halloween...12...11...10
How much did those police scooters cost the taxpayers?
Counting down to Halloween...10...9....8...
Apparently the Arlington police don't like bicycles, not that I can blame them.
If the Arlington police rode bicycles they would have to chase and apprehend people on bicycles who run stop lights at 30 mph.
"Pay no attention to the Neighborhood Nuisances who complain about drunken people peeing on front lawns on the way to where they've parked their cars."
FYI - Barbara and Chief Scott live in beautiful Clifton, where there there is no partying of any kind.
Libby Garvey doesn't seem to care. The rest of them know what's occurring and condone the neighborhoods-to-party-zones redevelopment.
No, Fisette, Hynes, Tejada and Zimmerman FACILITATE neighborhoods-to-party-zones redevelopment.
Hynes and Zimmerman have 20-something children who like to party.
I also live in 22202 and will not vote for any county Board incumbent. Tax dollars are routinely diverted from basic public infrastructure maintenance and improvements to sports, recreation, and entertainment.
That's correct. If the police rode bicycles they would have to enforce traffic ordinances related to bicycles.
I visit this blog regularly. It confirms what my Congressman tells us about the federal government that's supposed to be for the people. This hedonistic behavior is fueled by our tax dollars anywhere there is a federal government workforce. Virginia Beach is another "party zone".
Once the USA starts minding its own business you all are going to be in a world of economic hurt. Serves you right.
How does one email/contact Arlington Yupette with a tip?
'Community Policing' in Arlington's residential neighborhoods is an oxymoron. Speaking of running stop signs and traffic lights, the police do it all the time.
arlingtonyupette at yahoo.com
Can a Trolley Pub for the restaurant strip along S 23rd Street in 22202 be on the horizon?
I would not be surprised....residential neighborhoods have become economic opportunity zones
Except for Fisette's neighborhood, which has become a luxury enclave.
Reality Check: Chamber of Commerce controls everything - government, media, for-profits, non-profits.
Next location for a Trolley Pub is likely to be Shirlington Village.
What about Westover Village?
I can definitely see a Trolley Pub in Shirlington Village's future.
I don't think teh Chamber controls everything. I think a little in-group in the CB and CM offices controls everything. Together with a little in-group of corporate and non-profit cronies.
Marine Corps Marathon - what a mess. Move it to Quantico.
Yes. Marine Corps Marathon messed up all of North Arlington. If security is so important, move the event to Quantico.
Know what the Marine Corps Marathon has done? Made every Arab-American in the region a 'terrorism suspect'. There was more local, state, and federal law enforcement involved in yesterday's marathon than there were runners.
Wonder how many homes were broken into and searched without a warrant before yesterdays's marathon?
How many hundreds of thousands telephone conversations were recorded?
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