We received an e-mail from a bicyclist in Toronto alerting us to the following research paper in the current American Journal of Public Health: 'Route Infrastructure and the Risk of Injuries to Bicyclists: A Case-Crossover Study'.
Researchers at St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto studied 690 bicycle accidents that occurred in Toronto and Vancouver. Of the crashes that occurred in Toronto, streetcar tracks directly accounted for 31.5% of all bike accidents in the city that led. (The study did not count collisions between bicyclists and streetcars).
The research project determined that of the accidents involving tracks, 19 cyclists (19.8 percent) said their tires slipped on the tracks and 77 (80.2 percent) said their tires got caught in the tracks.
St. Michaels' Hospital was one of four hospitals in Toronto and Vancouver whose patients were tracked in the study. (At least 20 hospitals and healthcare facilities in and around Toronto provide general medical services for bicycle accident-related injuries).
Why is Arlington going forward with this dangerous streetcar system?
So, imagine if ALL the accidents involving streetcars and streetcar tracks were reported. How many thousands would be reported every year?
Pike streetcar system looks like by far the worst of all possible transit options for the Pike. Libby Garvey says she does not want a Pike streetcar but voted to fund it at the last County Board meeting. The County Board is little more than a bunch of sleazy pols who want to inflict their special interests on everyone, no matter what the cost.
Reitsfuhrer Zimmerman said it, I believe it, that settles it.
Slippery streetcar tracks? The tracks will always be slippery. Too much motor oil on the tracks from motor vehicles.
There would be NO streetcar service today on the Pike if streetcars were operating today on the Pike. Too much danger of overhead electrical wires coming down from high winds.
How many streetcar-related injuries would occur if the tracks were wet for days?
WHY would the Federal Transit Administration fund streetcar systems that would produce injuries, property damage, litigation, economic damage to people, businesses, and non-profits when BRT can provide equivalent performance and consumer acceptance as streetcar systems at 1/5 the cost with none of the negatives?
Why do local so-called 'journalists' ignore BRT for the Pike? Because they've been warned not to even mention BRT by Zimmerman, County Staff, CPRO, etc.
Vote NO for the transportation and parks bonds. The money will be wasted on the County Board's pet projects. They will also steal $$$ from the $141 million of CIP funds earmarked for street paving for Zimmerman's trolley.
WHY are the bicycle advocacy groups not vocally opposing Zimmerman's streetcar system? Because Zimmerman pays them off with tax $$$.
Yes, the $141 million earmarked for street paving over the next decade in the CIP is actually a slush fund to be used for everything except street paving.
What does it matter if there are elections of not? The Regime pays off the news media, special interests, and individual citizens in various ways to insure conformance and its total grip on everyone and everything. Our tax dollars are used to fund a huge PR propaganda bureaucracy orchestrated by the County Manager (who, like many other decision-makers, lives 30 miles from Arlington, is a few years from retirement, and could care less about how many would be injured by streetcar tracks).
Only thing Zimmerman, Fisette, and Tejada care about right how is putting their names on signs and plaques to commemorate their spending hundreds of millions building expensive and unnecessary public infrastructure.
Some Choice - Neo-Con Tea Party Corporate Welfare Gimme Gang or Limo-Liberal Corporate Welfare Gimme Gang.
All the local candidates support the status quo, no matter what they may say. Total urbanization of Arlington is inevitable. Arlington will be a county of upscale residents and their servants who can afford to live here in 'affordable' housing. Everyone else who works here will live outside the County.
Third party and independent candidates are just as elitist as the limo libs.
Smart Growth Transportation? County Board approves more parking for more non-residents every meeting while telling Arlington residents we have to 'bikeshare'.
Anonymous wrote: "The County Board is little more than a bunch of sleazy pols who want to inflict their special interests on everyone, no matter what the cost."
Amen and right on! You nailed it!
Anonymous wrote: "What does it matter if there are elections of not? The Regime pays off the news media, special interests, and individual citizens in various ways to insure conformance and its total grip on everyone and everything. Our tax dollars are used to fund a huge PR propaganda bureaucracy orchestrated by the County Manager (who, like many other decision-makers, lives 30 miles from Arlington, is a few years from retirement, and could care less about how many would be injured by streetcar tracks)."
Anonymous wrote: "Only thing Zimmerman, Fisette, and Tejada care about right how is putting their names on signs and plaques to commemorate their spending hundreds of millions building expensive and unnecessary public infrastructure.
Very, very true!
Will the benefits of working in a Vornado-owned building in Crystal City include a complimentary membership in the Gerald J. Fisette Aquatics Center, in addition to a complimentary parking space in the building's underground garage?
So, the only articles are anti-streetcar. Let's call this the Arlington "No-Streetcar" Yupette.
Boring -- get a life or at least a new topic for your posts.
Get a LIFE?
Obviously written by another Zimmy Death Squad Trolley Troll who works at 2100 Clarendon Blvd. and spends his/her 'work' days posting County Board propaganda to ArlNow and other blogs. Paid for by our tax dollars.
Let's call Zimmy what he is - a serial killer who started his 'death by negligence' killing spree at WMATA and wants to see lots more people die, die, die from accidents involving streetcars and streetcar tracks.
Another Zimmy Trolley Troll from 2100, 3rd, 7th or 9th Floor. Must have worn out his welcome at ArlNow.
No troll here. I live in Douglas Park, and I'm looking forward to having the streetcar on the Pike.
So do I. We won't be able to drive into and out of our own neighborhood in 10 years if Zimmerman has his way. And, of course, Zimmerman won't be living in Douglas Park in 10 years.
I am 30-something and will have to live with the consequences of re-development. Zimmerman and his 60-something facilitators are gonna be long gone from D.P. in 2022.
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