Hi Yupette.
There is a solution to the County Board's racism and elitism - boycott Arlington except for minority-owned small business. Let the County Board and the Chamber of Commerce aka White Citizens Council know you're not shopping in Arlington until the committees, commissions, non-profits, etc. reflect the County's racial and ethnic diversity. This county is as bad as it was 50 years ago. A token minority here and there who goes along with the program. I've had enough. I'm shopping elsewhere and letting the racists and elitists who control everyone and everything know that I am.
Pike Resident
Be sure to inform the upscale retail in Pentagon City.
Even the Civic Federation insiders admit the County Board is out-of-control and they only listen to themselves and the REITs.
Caring and compassionate Progressives? Same County Board that approved the re-location of DHS to Washington Blvd., at a cost of $2 million, because it didn't want poor people in yupscale Clarendon?
Yes, I'm tired of corporate socialism, aka corporate welfare, paid for by us that benefits the Elitist Class most of whose members don't live in Arlington.
Corporate Welfare? You mean like bonus density welfare payments to the REITs for energy efficient buildings that aren't energy efficient and for affordable housing that isn't affordable?
Elitism? The 'local' newspapers that are always editorializing about this or that have no physical presence in Arlington, except for some of their employees living here.
Local elitist newspapers don't contribute a dime to anything. The editors are very free with their advice and criticism, though.
How long has Walter Tejada been on the County Board? Eight years?
We are in for four more like the past four if we re-elect Hynes and Tejada.
I suggest not shopping in the upscale mixed-use redevelopment that's gentrified out the middle class, owned by the REITs.
It was Favola, Hynes, and Fisette who moved DHS to Washington Blvd.
Tejada is a total nada, except for soccer and travel. If he didn't go along with Zimmerman, Hynes, Favola, and Fisette there would be dozens of Latinos and Latinas appointed to commissions, committees, etc.
No more corporate welfare to the REITs.
I decided a couple years ago not to bother with Shirlington Village. Too much parking aggravation. The Reits designed Shirlington to be a parking and traffic problem, they can live with the consequences.
Isn't it interesting that the McLean developers, their McLean attorneys, the McLean REIT CEOs, the McLean planners, etc., shop at the 60 year old strip shopping plazas near their homes?
I shop at a few family-owned stores in Westover Village, where I live. That's all. I am not going to support any more mixed use dumb growth in Arlington. The out-of-state reits get the gold mine, we get the traffic, and oh yes, higher taxes and fees no matter how much new real estate is added to the assessment rolls.
Ha. Ha. Scott 'Conflict of Interest' McCaffrey endorsed Barbara Favola today in the Sun Gazette. On the same blog page is an ad from Areigaza-Soto's campaign pointing readers to favolafacts.com
I'm tired of spending $4 for an ice cream cone, $6 for a latte, and $35 for a mediocre lunch. I will leave mixed-use redevelopment to the Yups and instead upgrade the kitchen in my 3-bedroom, 2-bath ranch home aka 'Yuppie teardown opportunity'
What you complain about is what ultimately makes this country great. Our free monetary system in the end, drives the economy. If enough of you cry babies decide not to spend what little money you have in Arlington, that economy will crash and burn. I think only a few of you will stand together with pennies in your pocket and won't account for much.
It's a free system all right...a free and unrestrained system of hedocapitalism.
Consumers have the right to not participate in a hedocapitalist system that they feel in inimical to their interests.
A hedocapitalist system that soaks the taxpayers to pay for a dog park on every block, a live theater in every neighborhood, and a county employee for every person with a personal problem.
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