Hi Yupette,
The County Board approved the new Wakefield High School aka Recreation-Remediation Complex last evening. Every possible recreational distraction was included. Nothing whatever was said about education. This school already provides a terrible education - especially for minority students. All the County Board wanted to discuss last night was the "recreational opportunities" available in the new school building. What the hell is the matter with Arlington anyway?
Left lobe of County Board members' brains is for entertainment, right lobe is for recreation.
What did you expect from the urban village idiots?
Based on the plans I and several other parents expressed fears that the new Wakefield HS will be a Columbine waiting to happen but we were ignored.
Are we supposed to be impressed that Zimmerman's daughter attends this educationally deficient dump?
Hello, I was on one of the committees involved in planning the new school and you should know that we were told early on that if we didn't accept all the recreational amenities the County Board would not approve the plans.
New high school? New name that's more appropriate: New Columbine High School.
Hi, anyone know how to get to the County Board meetings on-line videos?
Go to arlingtonva.us
Click on County Government
Click on Board Meetings
Scroll down to 2010 Regular and Recessed Meetings
Click on on Video for the meeting date
School Board and School System told parents to "go along or else".
Your county needs a federal grand jury to do to your local government what the Congress is doing to Goldman Sachs.
WHY was this school building designed for 1600 students when 1900 students may be attending by 2015?
Because education is not the primary purpose of this facility, dummy.
Another reason to sign the change Arlington's form of government petition.
The so-called Republican spokesperson, Robert Atkins, only wanted to preserve the present dump of a high school.
Republicans SUCK. All they can do is say no to anything and everything...except for war fighting.
Can you spell:
? ? ?
? ? ?
YES !!! You are so right about New Wakefield being a New Columbine. Have you heard or read about what is occurring in the brand new T.C. Williams HS? Kids wandering the halls rather than attend class, cliques and gangs, the as constructed building becoming a venue for socialization, not education.
Another Columbine? Maybe. For sure it will be a mess.
Name it Jay Fisette High School of Entertainment, and Recreation. Fisette told the School Board that if the school didn't reflect his priorities - live theater, bicycles, and aquatics - he and the County Board wouldn't approve the plans.
Speaking of "priorities" how many hundreds of millions were spent by the County Board on entertainment and recreation infrastructure while Wakefield became a dump?
Saddest thing about Wakefield? The school system depends upon Wakefield's high drop-out rate to maintain a semblance of order and to avoid overcrowding.
Another sad thing, the way Latino and Latina kids are exploited by Anglos like Murphy and Baird. Where do the Latino and Latina kids who are expelled or told to drop out of Wakefield for any of a variety of reasons go? To be kitchen help and landscape workers for the wealthy Anglos.
The school board just approved new security procedures that will keep parents and the community out of the schools, after approving plans to make Wakefield a community recreation center.
The Columbine tragedy was perpetrated by Columbine students, last I heard.
Thank goodness for absentee voting, I sent my child to a private school at a great financial and personal cost (ten mile drive there and back) and want nothing to do with Wakefield, old version or new version.
Yes, it's going to be a zoo school and they are now using security scare tactics to keep parents and the community out. Same is happening at other mega high schools. Problem is not with the parents and community, it's with the school system.
They can have their fd-up school system . Just took out a home equity home to send my kid to a private school starting in Fall. Too much recreation, not enough education in the Arlington school system.
Another huge charade. All the plans for the new school emphasize how "community friendly" the new campus will be. Now the School Board is, in effect, saying it doesn't want the community on the Wakefield campus.
You have a choice in November - Miriam Gennari for School Board.
You may be interested to know that Paul Ferguson has had nothing to do with Abingdon School for his kids' education. Sent them to Arlington Traditional School.
Yupette, take a trip to Bradlee Plaza in Alexandria across from South Fairlington after school M-F. Bunch of burn-out kids from TC Williams sitting in McDonalds plotting how to make TC even more of a total party zone than it already is. Brand new school One year old. Educational disaster zone.
From the Wakefield Site Plan:
Building Level Planning Committee Site Design Goals - Create a civic presence and engage community through appropriate siting of the building.
Building Level Planning Committee Building Design Goals - Group assembly spaces to create a synergy of school and community uses near convenient accessible entrances.
"Security" is just another diversion from talking about the many quality-of-education problems that afflict Wakefield.
How much will the "security improvements" add to the cost? Aren't 2 or 3 police officers already assigned to Wakefield?
How much will a new Wakefield High School really cost? Not $100 million. More like $130 million.
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